bind ctcp - ACTION DiebCheckCTCP; bind pubm - * DiebCheckPUBM; bind msgm - * DiebCheckMSGM; bind notc - * DiebCheckNOTC; bind msg - "diebliste" DiebListMSG; namespace eval ::OnlineDieb:: { ### vars set develop 0 if {$::botnick=="MegaHAL" || $::botnick=="NewS-FlasH"} { set develop 1 } set major 0 set minor 3 if {![info exist build] || !$develop} { set build 87 } { incr build } set ::lateststable 0.3.87 ### helper if {$::lateststable!="$major.$minor.$build"} { if $develop { putcmdlog "Warning! Developer Mode \002ON\002" } { putcmdlog "Warning! Unstable Version!" } } } proc DiebListMSG {nick host hand text} { foreach Dieb [lsort -dictionary $::DiebList] { putmsg $nick $Dieb } putmsg $nick "Done" return 1 } # set ::TrojanList [list {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {*funnystuff.**} {**} {*clanfxs.**} {**} {*} {http://**/me.jpg} {**.jpg*} {**} {**} ]; set ::DiebList [list {**dd*cgi*} {**} {**} {**} {**} {*staemmespiel.**} {*#Quiz-Welt*} {**} {**} {**id=*} {**} {**} {**} {**.jpg*} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**} {**}]; proc DiebCheckCTCP {nick host hand dest key text} {if [DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $dest] {return 1} {return 0}} proc DiebCheckPUBM {nick host hand chan text} {if [DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $chan] {return 1} {return 0}} proc DiebCheckMSGM {nick host hand text} {if [DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text] {return 1} {return 0}} proc DiebCheckNOTC {nick host hand text dest} {if [DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $dest] {return 1} {return 0}} proc DiebCheckFriend {nick host hand text {chan ""} {msg 0}} { if {[string index $chan 0]!="#"} {set chan ""} if {$chan==""} { #putmsg #cybex.test "kein channel" foreach Dieb $::TrojanList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { foreach ch [channels] { if [onchan $nick $ch] { DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $ch 1 } } return 1 } } foreach Dieb $::DiebList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { foreach ch [channels] { if [onchan $nick $ch] { DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $ch 1 } } return 1 } } } { foreach Dieb $::TrojanList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { if $msg { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 6 hours.." -next } { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 6 hours.." -next } return 1 } } foreach Dieb $::DiebList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { if $msg { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, go away - fucking links in query" -next #putmsg #cybex.test "query spam kick in $chan" } { puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, go away - your link suxx" -next } return 1 } } } return 0 } proc DiebCheck {nick host hand text {chan ""} {msg 0}} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} {return 0} if {[string index $chan 0]!="#"} {set chan ""} { if {[matchattr $hand |mnofv $chan]} { DiebCheckFriend $nick $host $hand $text $chan $msg return 1 } } if {[matchattr $hand bmnofv]} { DiebCheckFriend $nick $host $hand $text $chan $msg return 1 } #if {$chan=="#cybex.test"} { putmsg #cybex.test "test $nick!$host ($hand) in $chan - $text" } if {$chan==""} { #putmsg #cybex.test "kein channel" foreach Dieb $::TrojanList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { foreach ch [channels] { if [onchan $nick $ch] { DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $ch 1 } } return 1 } } foreach Dieb $::DiebList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { foreach ch [channels] { if [onchan $nick $ch] { DiebCheck $nick $host $hand $text $ch 1 } } return 1 } } } { foreach Dieb $::TrojanList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { if $msg { putquick "KICK $chan $nick :you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 6 hours.." -next putkick $chan $nick "you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 6 hours.."; newchanban $chan $nick!*@* $::botnick "you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 1 hour.." 60 newchanban $chan *!$host $::botnick "you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 1 hour.." 60 #putmsg #cybex.test "query spam kick in $chan" } { putquick "KICK $chan $nick :you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 6 hours.." -next putkick $chan $nick "you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 6 hours.."; newchanban $chan $nick!*@* $::botnick "you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 1 hour.." 60 newchanban $chan *!$host $::botnick "you have a trojan/backdoor/virus/crappy stuff.. remove it and come back in 1 hour.." 60 #putmsg #cybex.test "nu kick ich aber $nick!$host ($hand) $chan" } return 1 } } foreach Dieb $::DiebList { if [string match -nocase *$Dieb* $text] { if $msg { putquick "KICK $chan $nick :go away - fucking links in query" -next putkick $chan $nick "go away - fucking links in query"; newchanban $chan $nick!*@* $::botnick "your link suxx - dont give me urls in query" 60 newchanban $chan *!$host $::botnick "your link suxx - dont give me urls in query" 60 #putmsg #cybex.test "query spam kick in $chan" } { putquick "KICK $chan $nick :go away - your link suxx" -next putkick $chan $nick "go away - your link suxx"; newchanban $chan $nick!*@* $::botnick "your link suxx" 60 newchanban $chan *!$host $::botnick "your link suxx" 60 #putmsg #cybex.test "nu kick ich aber $nick!$host ($hand) $chan" } return 1 } } } return 0 } namespace eval ::OnlineDieb:: { set text "Loaded ${major}.${minor}.${build}" if $develop { append text " - Lateststable $lateststable" } return $text unset text }